Kingmaker Rules

We will use Pathfinder rules for this campaign. While we will mostly use 1st Edition rules, we will incorporate some of the innovations from the 2nd Edition rules.


You have three “actions” per round.

Your first weapon attack in a round counts as an action. Your second attack in a round is also an action, but you get a -5 to your roll. Your third attack/action takes a -10 to your roll. Two weapon fighting replaces those standard penalties with the two weapon fighting penalties.

Most spells take two actions to cast. Spells with a target of “Personal” only take one action to cast.

Action Points

You start each level with a number of action points equal to 5 + 1/2 your new character level (round down).

You can use action points for a lot more than just modifying a d20 roll. See a long list of options here:

Level ———– Action Point Dice Rolled
1st – 7th —— 1d6
8th – 14th —- 2d6
15th – 20th3d6


A ranged attacker can use an action to aim, providing a +2 bonus to their next ranged attack, but suffering a -4 penalty to their AC until the beginning of their next turn.

A ranged attacker who spends a full round aiming can apply any bonus amount up to their Dex bonus to their next attack, as long as they take no other actions before making the attack. Whatever bonus they apply, they suffer twice that penalty to their AC until the end of the turn they make the attack.



The Leadership feat can be taken at any level.

You must take Leadership in order to have a cohort.

You must take the Leadership feat to apply any positive modifiers to your Leadership score, but negative modifiers apply even if you don’t have the feat.

You can have followers without the Leadership feat, just calculate your leadership score as your level + your Charisma modifier. (Also consider any negative modifiers.)

Use the Leadership table to determine how many followers of each level as normal, with one change. Under “number of followers by level,” extend the level 1 followers so that you can start with one follower when you have a Leadership score of 6, and increase by one until you have five followers with a score of 10 (as normal).


We’ll continue rolling a d12 for initiative.



When you assist, you provide a +1 bonus for every 5 in your result. So, if your result is a 17, you provide a +3 to assist. Note that I plan to be particular about when someone can assist, and how many people can assist, and may ask you to explain how, exactly, you are assisting.

Critical Success & Failure

Beating the DC by 10 or more is referred to as a critical success, which usually grants an especially  positive outcome. Similarly, failing the check by 10 or more is a critical failure (sometimes called a fumble). This sometimes results in additional negative effects.

You also often score a critical success by rolling a 20 on the die when attempting a check (before adding anything). Likewise, rolling a 1 on the die when attempting a check often results in a critical failure. Note that not all checks have a special effect on a critical success or critical failure and such results should be treated just like an ordinary success or failure instead.

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