Kingmaker Characters

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Juskar Ironbark

Juskar remembers very little of his childhood before being taken into the bandit camp and his dreams are filled with broken memories of his human father and orc mother. He never truly fit in amongst the Bloodbark “tribe” as their orcish leader, Gul’Drak, liked to call their bandit group, questioning their dark and evil motives. Gul’Drak claimed to have killed Juskar’s parents, calling them traitors that abandoned the tribe and no one leaves the tribe alive. Something seemed off though every time Gul’Drak recounted the story of raiding the village to kill Juskar’s parents, some of the details didn’t quite add up.

After taking a golden emblem as his portion in a merchant wagon raid, Juskar was filled with a vision of a family of his own living in a house he built with his own hands on the fringes of society, free from the bandit camp. That evening, Juskar began conspiring with another member of the tribe that longed to be free. That night, Juskar made a blood pact to whatever deity the emblem belonged to that he will end Gul’Drak’s life should their path’s ever cross again.

A year ago, Juskar and his companion were able to make their escape under cover of night and found their way to the nearest village. Thanks to a kind villager, Juskar learned the emblem was the symbol of Erastil, and was pointed in the direction of the closest temple.


About 9 months ago, he truly left his past behind him and began training as a champion of Erastil, vowing an oath to protect those around him. Through the temple’s resources, Juskar was able to track down the town he was born in. He discovered that his parents were the blacksmiths of the town before a major bandit attack that killed his father and presumably his mother, but the records stated that his mother’s body was never found. Could his mother possibly still be alive?

Juskar then took up a surname, combining his father’s last name (Iron) and his mother’s (Bloodbark) to be known as Juskar Ironbark.
(About 3 months ago) Juskar made his way to the town and discovered his cousin, through his father’s side, had taken over the blacksmith business. Juskar quickly refused the offer to take the family shop back as he saw how much happiness and fulfillment working the shop was bringing his cousin. Instead he asked his cousin to teach him the basics of the trade. Juskar stayed with his cousin for a few months before receiving notice from his order of an invitation from Restov. Before leaving, Juskar’s cousin gave him one of two wolf pups his cousin had received in a trade to take with Juskar in his travels. The two pups were eating his cousin out of house and home too!

Upon receiving Lady Jamandi’s invitation, Juskar knew this opportunity was too good to pass up to uphold his oath and fulfill the dream Erastil had blessed him with so long ago that fateful night at the bandit camp.

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